Balboa beginner classes starting Tue Nov 16th

Our Balboa Beginner classes is now available in a short round of 5 weekly classes which will teach you the basics of this wonderful dance. The class is open to both couples and single registrants, but we will ensure a good balance between the 2 lead and follow dance roles.

Class schedule: 18:30-19:45 five Tuesdays starting Nov 16th

Read more here:


Spice up your Swivels

Come get some spice in your swivels Tuesday October 12th when Zhan Li and Jon Bendtsen will teach a theme class about Swivels from 18:30 to 20:00.

Entrance fee 85,- and that also covers the social dance after the swivel theme class from 20-22ish.

From 18 til class start we have open practice/social dance/chit chat.

Ari & Simon weekly Balboa classes

Ari & Simon are 2 international swing dance teachers who are back in Copenhagen for the second time. They will stay a whole seven weeks and during that time they will also teach our weekly Tuesday Balboa classes starting from Tuesday August 17th.

Ari & Simon sitting

The registration is already open. They will teach 2 levels: L2 and L3.

  • Level L2 from 18:10 to 19:25
  • Level L3 from 19:35 to 20:50
  • social/practice from 21:00 to 21:55

You can see the details and register for their classes in our registration form which is hosted by Mailchimp.

Link to Registration form

Alternative link to Registration form